While Studying

Şimdi Anladım is in Your Pocket!

While Studying

Şimdi Anladım is in Your Pocket!

When You Can't Solve the Question

Şimdi Anladım is in Your Pocket!

When You Don't Understand the Subject

Şimdi Anladım is in Your Pocket!

When You Don't Understand the Subject

Şimdi Anladım is in Your Pocket!

How It Works?

While studying for exams ask Şimdi Anladım the subjects you don’t understand.
Let the tutor explain the subject to you within a 10-minute live video call private lesson.

Choose Your Lesson

Choose the subject you want to ask about, get support or get help on a topic you don't understand.

Search Tutor

Click on the "Search Tutor" button and ask the tutor about the subject you do not understand with a live video call.

Instantly Comprehend the Subject

Let the expert tutor explain the subject you don’t understand with express and online video call private lessons.

Didn't Understand a Subject?

There may be a subject that you do not understand while studying for the exams. Şimdi Anladım app brings you together with the tutor in an online video call so you can learn the subject right away. The tutor will explain the subject you don't understand in 10 minutes.

With Şimdi Anladım, express private lessons are with you whenever and wherever you want.

Why Şimdi Anladım?

Şimdi Anladım application was developed for students to utilize their time quickly and effectively. Students will learn instantly within a 10-minute live video call private lesson from the tutors on the subject they don't understand.

Saves Time

With the opportunity to ask the tutor about an unclear subject immediately, the topics never pile up, efficient study and instant learning takes place.

Certified Tutors

The team of tutors who give private lessons consists of expert tutors who have proven themselves in their own subjects.

Instant Access

Students can connect to their tutors whenever and wherever they want and take express private lessons with online video calls.

National Exam Focused Lessons

The tutors, who teach according to the curriculum of university and high school entrance exam, explain the unclear subject in 10 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

We answered the questions most frequently asked by our students and tutors.

  • What is Şimdi Anladım?

    Şimdi Anladım is a mobile education application where you can ask the tutors about the subjects you are stuck on, the questions you can't solve or the assignments in your school along with a live video call.

  • How to use Şimdi Anladım?

    After downloading Şimdi Anladım from the application stores and subscribing, you can select the lesson you want to have a session from and then click the “Search Tutor” button to start a live conversation with a tutor.

  • Which lessons are included İn Şimdi Anladım application?

    If you are preparing for university entrance exam, you can have sessions in Mathematics, Geometry, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Turkish, Literature, Geography and History classes. If you are preparing for high school entrance exam, you can have sessions in Turkish, Mathematics, English, Science and History of Turkish Revolution lessons.

  • How long a session can I have with Şimdi Anladım?

    Each session made in the Şimdi Anladım application is charged as one session entitlement. Each session is limited to 10 minutes. If you wish, you can purchase the credit for a session from the market section of the application.

  • Who are the tutors in Şimdi Anladım?

    In Şimdi Anladım, tutors who are experts in their fields, university graduates or students who have had a rank in the university exam are teaching. Our tutors are selected tediously based on their diploma, student certificate and areas of expertise.

  • Who can benefit from Şimdi Anladım?

    All students from 5th Grade to 12th Grade and graduate students who are preparing for university and high school entrance exams can benefit from Şimdi Anladım.

  • I want to change my profile information, what should I do?

    If you want to make changes to your profile information, you can do it from the settings screen of the application. However, we would like to point out that the phone number must not be changed.

  • I can't watch the video of my session, what should I do?

    With the development we will make in the near future, you will be able to watch the video of your previous sessions.